Progression to regression

Earlier this week I wrote about "snippets" 
and the danger of making a judgement or coming to a conclusion based on them
today snippets almost bit me in the butt

It started like this...
I knew when I went to clean the church today the work would be a little different than it has been for awhile. OG started kids programming back up last Sunday which means more rooms were used which translates to more cleaning to be done. I went mentally prepared to spend more time and to work a little harder.

We have a "toddler" bathroom with an itty bitty toilet in between the nursery and 2s & 3s room. I walk through it every week and flush the commode to keep it fresh. When I went in today I smiled because at first glance I thought there was a book propped against the wall. Then I was confused-because the pages were missing. I picked it up, wondering what had happened and turned it over to see the title. 
It was not a book at all. 
It was a snake trap.
"Hmm,  there was another snake sighting."
I crossed the hall to the 4's and 5's room. 
There was another trap.
Actually, it was more than a snake trap.
It was bait from the serpent for my mind as well.
"Hmm, I wonder why no one told me there was another snake sighting."
When I was swiffering the long hall in the children's wing
and found a third trap the regression began.
"I wish someone would have let me know."
"I wonder who saw it."
"I wonder how many they saw?"

When I went to grab the mop, things accelerated.
"I am definitely going to find out why I had to find out this way
 that there are snakes in the church.
You would think that they would have enough respect to let me know.
I am hurt they think this little of me."

I went from confused to surprised to concerned to angry.

I went from warm to simmering to stewing to steaming.

I went from: 
"Ha, ha, another snake, maybe it is time to think about retiring."
"Hmmm, maybe it is time to retire."
"Both of my snake wranglers have gone to be with Jesus in the last three months. What am I going to do if I see one?-wait, I made a plan the last time this happened."
"I am resigning. Immediately. If they have no more regard for me than this..."

I went from 
"this isn't anywhere near where I saw the snake a few months ago."
"should I move this trap to where I saw the snake?"
"who rates enough to have snake traps-none were put out after I saw one."
"I think I'll just let them figure it out themselves."

Anyone else have a problem like this? When your mind loses connection with reality and reasonable thoughts get tossed out and replaced by totally irrational ones? The progression in my mind today  definitely led to regression of my Christian maturity.
Finally I stopped. Literally stopped moving. Took a deep breath and texted Bradley. I wish I could tell you I texted with complete humility and a sincere desire to know the truth. But I must admit I was not in a good place, and there was more than a little "snippy" in my attitude. Thankfully it was text and you don't always "hear" the intent...

"Who saw a snake at church this week. And where did they see it."

I semi patiently waited for a response.

"No one. Tyler was working on the bulletin board and the boys were with her. They wouldn't go play until she put out glue traps." Well that answered my question of "who rates". Four snake traps were placed by a momma protecting her children, making sure she did what was in her power to do make them feel safe and comfortable. 

wow, was I chastised
I was well on my way to "assume"ing something that had absolutely no substance or shred of truth. I knew better. But I was allowing "feelings" to take me down a road I have no business being on. Simply communicating with someone who would know, ie, doing my homework, stopped both the progression of my out of control thoughts and my regression to a judgmental, unfounded conclusion. After repenting for the unkind things that had been racing through my mind I thanked God for no snakes in the church today, other than me, and He took care of that.


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