
this screenshot is from Thursday night
the flurries didn't amount to anything
and I'm not trying to rush winter along,
I know this is the time of year for such things, 
but that doesn't stop me
from hoping these containers I saw at Walmart the other night
are stock full of spring things

each season is valuable
each has a purpose
I appreciate and am thankful for each one

winter-resting and hidden 
work that is necessary, unnoticed and largely unknown 
without this time of dormancy some things cannot bloom again

spring-new life pushing through obstacles 
work that is often unseen and underappreciated
stop and consider the strength it takes for spring bulbs to push up through the ground

summer-growing and maturing
work that is done in heat that can be blistering and sometimes, drought
children pray for sunshine to swim and farmers pray for rain so crops can grow

autumn-harvesting and preparing for winter
work that celebrates all that has come before
hard work of gathering and preserving and praying for "just one more day" for those things that need just a little extra time

I want winter to have its time, really, I don't want to rush it
but this year I am looking forward to spring in a way I haven't for a very long time
and I have no idea why...
There is a time for everything, 
and a season for every activity under the heavens: 
Ecclesiastes 3:1


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