out of room

all I wanted to do was allow my computer to update last night while I slept
I clicked the buttons I knew I needed to click at about 11:00 Wednesday night
and this came up-
I investigated 
I needed (what I thought) was a little more space
messages and photos seemed to be the best bet to look at to free up space
I deleted at least half of them
still not enough room
so I moved on to my photos
and was up until after 2AM sorting and choosing
still not enough free space

after doing everything that needed to be done in my house this morning
I sat down with my computer again-
ironically about 12 hours after I began the process
and spent about the same amount of time going through photos and videos
emptying trash, 
a total of at least six hours,
and about 1,000 pictures later
I was sure I'd cleared up enough space
I was wrong

I have a hand full of thumb drives in a desk drawer
all of them have something on them and none are bigger than 2GB
I can't bear to keep working like I have
going down memory lane,
making decisions about what pictures to keep and which to delete
so it's time for a Walmart run
I figure I can get there,
pick up 2 32GB thumb drives
and be home in less time than I've spent either session trying to make room so far
I'll be able to save anything I want to save and update my computer
once I figure out how to transfer pictures from my mac to the stick

wish me luck!


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