
snippets can be helpful,
informative even,
but in my experience,
they are rarely reliable enough to use 
as a solid base for good decision making

I would strongly suggest,
before you form an opinion,
or make a judgement call,
take time to do your homework

gather as much information as you can
make no assumptions-
because most of us know,
even if we won't say it,
what happens when you assume...

for example:
when I got up 
the clouds were dark and thick
I wasn't sure I'd see the sun rise

and before the sun kissed the edges of the clouds this morning 
they looked rather dark
and foreboding
based on the snippet I saw when I awoke this morning
I never would have believed the day would turn out like this,
not quite as warm as the sun might suggest, but extraordinary for mid January

in case you are confused-
this post has absolutely nothing to do with weather forecasting


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